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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress by Yale University

2,932 ratings

About the Course

Developed by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress will provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to understand and manage their emotions and those of their students. The 10-hour online course is designed for school staff, including teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, principals, and non-teaching staff in preK-12 schools....

Top reviews


Aug 14, 2023

Thank you very much, I have learned a lot from this course. This course help me to understand my students more and know how to use Mood Meter, RULER which I could apply to my work and personal life.


Mar 17, 2022

The course was outstanding. Many of the techniiques outlined in the course I have been using for years. I was refreshing and I will continue to use these practices in my school leadership capacity.

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76 - 100 of 707 Reviews for Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress

By Terence A


Feb 28, 2022

It is a very useful course in providing us with the tools we need to manage our emotions and also that of our students. I found it particularly easy to understand and will us and apply these tools to make my classroom a better place for all to learn and be inspirred to achieve their goals for the future.

By Nancy W


Aug 5, 2021

Great opportunity for learning whether you are a teacher or not, I took the course as a HR professional. It applies the same way for employees as it does in many cases for students. I do wish I would have paid for the certificate though. I did not know you could not do it after the class was over!

By Lorena S


Sep 30, 2023

Un curso muy completo y con una metodología clara, práctica y aplicable para aprender a observar y gestionar nuestras propio mundo emocional, y reconocer los sesgos en relación a los vínculos con otros. Con estrategias para ayudar a regular nuestras propias emociones y las de nuestros estudiantes.

By Bells M


Sep 2, 2021

I'm sure you will enjoy and learn many new things here that are so important to your career! And after finishing this course you will realize that you are not the same person as when the course started. This course will change you forever! #YaleCourse #SEL #AmazingCourse

By Alana B


Apr 29, 2021

Very much enjoyed this course. It's well-laid out, science/data-based and delivered in a well-balanced variety of learning modes (text/video/graphics/articles) I recommend this course to all educators, parents and anyone working with students in an educational setting.

By Lucille H


Mar 12, 2021

Absolutely loved this course! Highly recommend it to all who are dealing with others and really want to find more about even themselves! In my opinion giving yourself and others to PERMISSION TO FEEL- is one of the best support we can give each other as fellow humans!

By C. B (


Jul 26, 2023

Great course to those who are in a position of influence, so it's for everybody.

Wherever we are, we are influencing others with out approach. If we become more conscious and aware, we will be able to improve and have a better impact in ourselves and our communities.

By atsushi n


Oct 26, 2023

I gained deeper understanding of emotional intelligence and skills to manage emotions effectively in any aspect of life. It was invaluable learning experience. I recommend this course anyone who wants to earn skills to cope stress and anxiety better. Happy learning!

By 洪詩茜


May 16, 2022

I learned a lot from this course, and it did help me to plot my own feelings and to guide students while facing conflicts or complicated emotions. I think the more schools pay attetion to Social Emotional Learning, the better students can become a life-long learner.

By Miriam P D


Jan 31, 2021

Driving teams within current context demands new skills, in this sense Yale University provided two great tools as Mood Meter and RULER to support ourselves and those for who we care about to master the ability to make emotions work for you, instead of against you.

By Vilai O


Feb 24, 2021

This has been very helpful course for me personally because it provides some very excellent tips to manage my own emotional health being during Covid19 pandemic and provides insight and effective strategies of how to help students who are under emotional distress.

By janna m


Feb 1, 2021

Every educator should take this course right now! Stress and burnout have never been greater and this course provides tools we can use right now to support our students and ourselves in growing through these difficult times. Thank you for offering this for free!!!

By Deborah M d


May 9, 2021

I am really impressed with Yale's Center for Emotional Intelligence and what they are doing to help students understand their own emotions and those of fellow students. I really appreciated the exploration to understand my own emotions and responses as well.

By Jonathan B


Feb 13, 2021

An excellent, free offering for educators wanting to expand their own social and emotional health (as well as that of their students). Pair this with Dr. Brackett's book, Permission to Feel, as well as the Mood Meter app for additional learning and practice.

By Kelly K


Mar 1, 2021

I highly recommend this course to all educators and parents. The art of recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing and regulating are key terms to put into action for all members in the community. Thank you for these wonderful moments of learning.

By Paula A S


May 10, 2022

I really enjoyed this course. It gives very valuable skills to realise , manage your own emotions and be able to help your students develop their emotional intelligence. I think SEL should be part of every school program. I highly reommend this course!

By Piotr T


Nov 1, 2022

It was informative, it contained valid scientific data wrapped in easy to digest form that will help plenty of professionals to extend their workshop when working with students. I reckon even people without teaching career will benefit from this course.

By Katrina H


Mar 10, 2021

I love how it brings to the forefront about emotional intelligence. I am loving learning about SEL and improving my own knowledge about emotional intelligence and ways to be recognize and regulate our feelings. Huge take away is all emotions are okay.

By Mary A C B A


Oct 12, 2021

Another helpful and informative course from Yale and Coursera. You have helped a lot of individuals who are incapable to learn and understand the field of Psychology. All sections provided were beneficial. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!

By Ignacia H S


Oct 26, 2022

Being a emotion scientist will allow all of us to become not only better teachers, but to be a contribution for society, besides knowing how to fight and to cope stress nowadays is something fundamental, so this course have been a life savior for me.

By Nadine B


Mar 7, 2021

This course was amazing in its breadth and depth and has caused a shift in my perception. The insight into behavior and communication which I have gained through this course is having an effect in my profession as a teacher and in my personal life.

By Victoria P


Nov 11, 2022

This course is a truly game changer! You can learn the strategies to read the emotions better and many other practical information is provided. The course is developed for teachers but it's still useful for all intrested in emotional intelligence.

By Sandra G N M


Sep 8, 2022

Estoy muy satisfecha con los aprendizajes obtenidos de este curso. Me agradó que de forma constante se proporcionaran propuestas de acción para cada uno de los temas vistos. Algunos de los materiales de apoyo también fueron sumamente interesantes.

By Lisa B


Jun 1, 2022

I think this course is an excellent opportunity for anyone who has other human beings in their lives to learn the important skill of co-regulation. I have found this concept to be a key component of effective communication and social engagement.

By Ana R C


Aug 29, 2021

This course provided me with pratical tools and strategies to turn my class a better place for understading, caring and learning. But also, to help me how to better help my students to get to know themselves, their emotions and how to manage it.